One Noble Intention Daily
In this whole month of November, I have aspired to follow in the footsteps of my inspiring teachers to dedicate an intention to doing a noble deed daily. Having tagged along on several of their merit-making missions, I have picked up many ingenious ideas and neat tips on how to go about it in a way that hits the right spot for the spirit within. However, as I stared at a blank new page on my notepad, I saw my mind quickly filled with many thoughts of endless possibilities. Donating to this benefit would be good. Helping those in urgent need would be better. Having different types of causes would cover more bases. Inclining to often neglected charities would be most helpful. Feeling overwhelmed, the mind stopped and asked “where to begin?” So then it decided to just write them all down first and then slowly sift through wisely.
In the filtering process, much research and learning took place to find out about each charity, benefit and cause. The mind was diligent to check on the various organisations, their mission and the authenticity of the work they do. Even though many people may do the same, however I noticed that this mind did not do the research to judge how such charities are run or how well they fare. Rather, it was to understand about the plight and challenges faced by the community. How much suffering exists and is going on around right in front of me, but I may not be aware of. I felt truly grateful to have the supportive causes and conditions to be of help to others in dire need. The abundance with the little material I have is incomparable to the love and compassion this heart is capable of exuding.
Also, in learning what drove all the unsung heroes who set up such non-profit organisations to dedicate their blood, sweat and tears to selflessly extend assistance in providing some relief, comfort and solace to others, this mind is inspired to support and encourage the virtues and wholesome qualities that they possessed. In recognizing the wisdom and good in others, it is also acknowledging the same within of whatever that has been nurtured throughout this lifetime. Otherwise, there is no way the recognition, acknowledgment and appreciation of such virtues and attributes could be possible. For that, I count my blessings. Needless to say, nobody is perfect. It is not in their imperfection that is of importance. It is about learning and being inspired by what, how and why they are making the arduous effort to transform and change for the better.
It is in the witnessing of the potential in others, that we reflect the same in ourselves. That it can be done. That it is worth trying. That there are causes for the effects to happen. The understanding of the what and how lays the foundation for every imaginable possibility, if the mind is determined and sincere in doing what is wisest for the long-term happiness of oneself and others. So, with whatever limited right understanding at that moment, I have roughly planned out what and where I will dedicate and invest these worthwhile daily endeavours at the start of the month. Currently, halfway through, I learned that even though there have been many times when causes and conditions changed since starting this project, the mind has remained hopeful and joyfully encouraging in inclining itself towards what it knows deep within to be what truly matters most.
Every step in avoiding evil, doing good and purifying the mind is a step in the right direction. I can safely then say that this life has been well worth every breath spent.
With love,
Khan Hui Yee
19 November 2024