Continuation Programs
Where The Journey Deepens
Each and every one of us has intelligence — albeit in different areas and at differing levels. Many a time, our intelligence is based on past experiences derived from limiting conclusions or fixated judgments arising from prior conditional perceptions. It seldom arises from an authentic realization of what the situation truly is. Wisdom holds the key to unlocking the hidden `door’. But it is not the kind of wisdom that is derived from external learnings. Rather, it is wisdom that is innate within each of us, awaiting awakening or realization to arise. It is not exclusive to any religious group but can be directly experienced by anyone, irrespective of race, religion or belief.
Wisdom is universal. Through wisdom, life truly begins as everything is now correctly seen without the filter of deception. Virtues such as compassion, love and understanding emanate forth from the awakened heart. Happiness then is no longer an option, but a natural result.
Upcoming Workshops Dates
Has it been in your mind to start/continue the practice of mindfulness and nurture your skills to be aware in daily life after Mindfulness-A Starting Point or Awakening Inner Wisdom sessions? You have come to the right place. Lai Fun will guide you through baby steps as you tread this journey of discovery. From doubt, one grows in confidence. It is only natural that when doubts arise, we just do not know where to walk. Rest assured that with simple pointers from the teachers, we can embark on the practice one step at a time. Like drops of water that trickle and soon form a huge overflow, our willingness to take on this journey will lead to much understanding and joy as a natural consequence.
This gift of education has been made possible by sponsors and is freely offered to anyone who is willing to receive the gift of wisdom. Prior registration is required for all continuation courses.