Right Mindfulness—Foundation Level
(English with Translation)

Developing an understanding about you
as you are simply going about your life.


Mindfulness is a learning journey of exploration and realizational discovery of what is right in front of us, yet we are not aware of it. More than that, it is an authentic way of finding yourself, of knowing what you are. Have you always wondered what this life is about and what is your purpose here? Perhaps the answer you have always been searching for only required a slight shift in perspective. That is what this workshop invites you to explore.

To embark on this journey, you only need to be willing to lend an ear, interested to understand and keep an open mind to explore what you thought you already knew, but actually, you do not know yet. If your curiosity is piqued, then you are truly on the right track. Right Mindfulness is this journey of learning to understand yourself from a new perspective. We welcome all to join us in this workshop as a first step.

Right Mindfulness workshops with translation are designed for beginners to gain the foundational knowledge of what this journey entails. Our trainers will share all the basics to get you started with many real-life experiences while steering you in the right direction by addressing your questions throughout the multiple sessions.

Who Could Attend: Suitable for ages 16 and above

Prerequisite: None

Important: The first session of this course sets the crucial foundation for the entire course; for those who are not able to make it for the first session, please consider joining the subsequent course season.

Trainer: Hor Tuck Loon

Venue: via Zoom

Date & Time: Five 2-hour sessions stretching over a period of 5 weeks. Please refer to respective workshops for details.

This gift of education has been made possible by sponsors and is freely offered to anyone who is willing to receive the gift of wisdom. Prior registration is required. Upon registration, should you be unable to attend the course due to unforeseen circumstances, kindly let us know in advance so that we can offer the sponsored space to someone else, who is on the waiting list.

Upcoming Workshop Dates

Just notice the unpleasant state is the defilement called aversion - nature taking place.
— Hor Tuck Loon
  • 禅修改变了身和心的素质,自然的身心变得愉快、清安。

    - 念惠莲

  • 这里提供了很多宝贵的禅修正确资讯。

    - Sim Sia Chin

  • 适合新同修,而且可以以华语发问,在表达上比较佳.

    - 念惠莲

  • 非常感谢何老师和惠珊,让我对禅修有正确的认识,修行不是离开生活静静的坐着,而是随时随地保持觉知

    - Amy Boon

  • 由衷地感两位师兄的用心教导,清晰的解释,尝试从不同角度引导而且通过例子解释得很清晰,此课程让大家受益匪浅。感恩同修的踊跃发问与分享;也感恩幕后的法工们不辞劳苦的付出。

    - Lily Chuah

  • Highly recommend the course to friends & family, the teacher is very wise, explaining difficult topics in simple ways and with clear examples. I will repeatedly listen to the recordings. Thank you!

    - Tan Sin Lam