Blog for Thoughts
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When we say, "I am intelligent" or "I am angry," we are, in truth, identifying with particular mental processes or emotional states, not with something essential or unchanging. In reality, intelligence is simply the functioning of a specific mental factor that discerns or reasons, just as anger is the manifestation of aversion in response to a perceived threat or injustice.

Nature as You Have Never Known
My sense of peace was disrupted and many thoughts of how nature may be a curse popped up one after another. They range from minor inconveniences like rain or heat to catastrophic natural disasters such as tornadoes or blizzards. How quickly I changed my mind about nature being such a blessing. The contrast was like day and night.

Nature and the Nature of the Mind
This mind is expressing itself as it is typing out its understanding so far. The nature of the mind that is appreciative of the journey expresses itself in words while other minds may do so verbally. Whether the nature of such a mind expresses itself in writing or in oral form, it is just but a manifestation of such a state.
Start your journey
A thousand mile journey starts with a baby step. Start yours today!