Brand New Education That Gives You the Insight of What You Truly Are And Not
Insight meditation is a journey of developing right understanding of the true nature of reality, of which we have yet to realize. Instead of observing the object like how we normally do in meditation, insight meditation requires one to notice the mind that is attending to the object. The only correction required is not on the object that is being known but rather the mind that is meditating. One will discover along the journey the presence of delusion in the mind; and insight meditation leads the way of overcoming it. Amid this discovery it opens up a new encounter of wisdom, of what was never known before. It gives you the insight of what you truly are and not.
Insight meditation begins with the knowledge of what realities are. Unlike concepts, realities are indisputable. Concepts can be compromised or interpreted differently whereas realities are uncompromising, unchallenged and unchanged. A totally brand new education is necessary to develop the skills in noticing realities, away from concepts. The more one gets a clearer picture of what realities are, the more one truly knows what insight meditation is. Only then could an insight arise. Otherwise, it will just be another journey of acquiring good experiences without ever knowing about realities. Progress is self-evident and requires no validation from others. This is the nature of wisdom unfolding.
With this a deeper intimacy with ourselves and with the world will arise. As we cultivate awareness without ignoring, interfering, judging, avoiding, or clinging to our experiences, wellsprings of insight and wisdom have a chance to surface. At some point, we joyfully realize that our right attitude towards this very moment is our freedom.
The courses offered to you (fully sponsored by generous donors) present a clear roadmap of what the work is and how to go about it. May you be inspired to explore this work for yourself. Awareness coupled with wisdom not only better your life but also change how you perceive those around you.